Happy parent of autistic son!

Happy parent of autistic son!

I have been buying silica water for my 8 years old autistic son for about 1,5 years now. I have done a lot of research and was really pleased to find an easy and un-intrusive way to help my son to detox aluminium safely out of his body. The water taste pleasant and he actually likes drinking it plain without adding any squash. I am also giving him supplements that supports his brain functions like omega 3 and lions mane capsules together with probiotics and Oxygen therapy that we attend forth nightly. The change in him is impressive! He is much more calm, focused and happier child. It’s much easier having conversation with him now and his responses are amazing. His speech improved and yes some words are still not clear at times, but I have no doubts that with time and continued efforts he will get there! I highly recommend it to every parent with autistic child! Thank you silica water! You have a customer for life! 🙂 by Heinz

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