“The difference it has made – nothing short of a miracle”

“The difference it has made – nothing short of a miracle”

Testimonial from Angela, a shy 47-year-old with MS in Cheshire wrote this about Acilis by Spritzer silicawater: 

“I have been drinking this water for a week now and have noticed a real positive difference in my neurological function. I have had Multiple Sclerosis for 26 years – this is the gift that keeps on giving: in that it has damaged my cerebellum and I recently has a small stroke.

Desperate and feeling like I had not only MS and cerebellum ataxia, but dementia, Alzhiemers, and Parkinsons as well, I thought I would try drinking this water for a week. The difference it has made has been nothing short of a miracle so far – I actually can’t believe this, but here I am! Awake and feeling alive again rather than just living.

Thank you so much for making this magic water available to us all. I would definitely recommend to all neurologically compromised patients – there is something in it folks!” Angela from Cheshire

Science has proven that drinking silicawater, naturally rich in soluble silicic acid, is a safe and non-invasive way to remove aluminium or alum salts from the body. For the science click here:

A science paper published in the European Journal of Immunology shows how aluminium salts suppress immunity. Click here:

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