
SOUSAS sparkling silica-rich water in 12 x 1L GLASS bottles SOLD OUT

From: £28.90


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£28.90 / month

SME Award 2022

Sousas Sparkling silica-rich water in 12 x 1L GLASS bottles 

Award winning silicawater shown by science to safely remove Aluminium neurotoxin and boost immunity * Boosts body collagen for softer skin, stronger nails, supple joints and deters hair loss * Drinking silicawater regularly helps maintain attention and concentration as part of normal cognitive functions * Drink at least 1 litre of silicaawater per day along with a varied balanced diet as part of a healthy lifestyle * Sourced from a natural spring for over 150 years in the Galicia Mountains of Spain

How silicawater makes a difference

How our customers responded:

Trustpilot 5-star review

Water tastes so much better than tap water, and it indeed gave me stronger nails and improved skin, and the fact that it helps elliminate the toxic aluminium from your body benefits my son the most who is autistic and suffering from a memory loss: Edna

Benefits my son the most, as he is autistic and suffering from a memory loss

I WORK AS A NUTRITIONIST AND RECOMMEND SILICA WATER TO ALL MY CLIENTS.                                                                   

My husband works next to a machine shop that cuts aluminium. There is a high proportion of workers that have died from cancer or suffered mental health issues. He actually works in an office adjacent to the machine shop and it has been very comforting to know that he drinks silica water each day in order to support detoxification mechanisms.

As a family our two daughters run a dance school and the grandchildren are all dancers. The silica water not only tastes good and seems to quench your thirst more effectively, it also maintains healthy joints and suppleness. I personally use it at the gym. I used to suffer with pins and needles at night before drinking silica water and this has now almost totally gone. I work as a nutritionist and recommend silica water to all my clients. Tonia, Chelmsford


Love your silca-rich mineral water

We love your silca rich mineral water. Wish I could afford to buy Acilis all the time as its our favourite one. It has helped both myself and my children with many issues we had. Both my children were vaccine injured and have suffered a lot with allergies, gut problems and emotional issues/mental health problems. I also suffered with allergies and gut issues, and I definitely noticed a difference when we gave up drinking tap water and switched to silica-rich mineral water. Thank you so much! 



Love your silca-rich mineral water

A lot more positive:
I just thought I’d email you regarding my progress with silica water. I’ve been drinking it for a few weeks now and I drink 2 small bottles per day.
Over the last 2 weeks I have noticed my sleep is improving and my digestion also my speech and I am feeling a lot more positive and clear headed.
Sally Yeo, Cornwall

Feel a lot more positive

Definitely worth it! Very pleasant experience buying from Silica waters. The gentleman on the phone was extremely helpful and understanding (so do advise to ring up even if you’re going to place the order through the website anyway): Maz

Definitely worth it!


Remarkable recovery of Moon dog after drinking Acilis

We received a remarkable testimonial from a customer who’s dog called “Moon” – a beautiful white Alsatian dog-  was scheduled to be euthanised due to severe neurological problems.

The owner, who was desperate not to lose her beloved pet, contacted the Bioenergetic wellness team Nikki Brown, Mike Daly and Gavin Currie to help her dog by using more natural and nontoxic protocols.

Nikki gave the client her valuable advice and recommended Bioresonance therapy, fulvic minerals and a gentle detox with Acilis water . The vet who was treating “Moon” advised that there was nothing more he could do, and advised that Moon be put to sleep to avoid any more suffering from the dog, as his back legs had ceased due to severe neurological problems.

However, Nikki and the team requested that the euthanasia be postponed to allow Moon to detoxify and heal more naturally over the next 24 to 48 hours. The vet was very reluctant to allow this and said it was best to follow his advice and go ahead with putting Moon to sleep. He then agreed to have a bioresonance pendant fitted to the dog’s collar and to give him regular drinks of Acilis water.

Two days had passed and the owner received a phone call from the vet, expecting to hear the news of her dog’s passing. Instead, she was told to come to the clinic and get Moon and take him home.  The dog that was believed to be at “death’s door” had miraculously recovered and began to not only walk, but actually ran towards his very emotional owner.

This is the second amazing testimonial by a dog owner who has had their very sick pet recover by detoxing with drinking silica rich mineral water within a natural health protocol.

This is an amazing story and shows that Acilis water is very effective in helping humans and animals alike. We understand however that this does not necessarily prove that Acils water is helping to reverse ailments in living things, and there is more research to be done, but our health and wellness team, with the incredible experience of Nikki Brown, will continue to record and endeavour to engage in further research into the health benefits of Acilis.

Wellness team Nikki Brown (, Mike Daly and Gavin Currie

Remarkable recovery of dog after drinking Acilis


Brilliant service and delivery as always: Jackie

Brilliant service and delivery as always



Great product. Both product and delivery were as good as ever. Bruce

Great product. Both product and delivery were as good as ever


Acilis has made a difference to my skin and hair                                                 

Yes Acilis has made a difference to my skin and hair at least. Not so
much yet to my sore shoulders, but I think they may be improving so
slowly that I’m not noticing. Wendy, Caithness

Acilis has made a difference to my skin and hair   


Testimonial from the mother of 2 autistic children: “It is just amazing that something so simple as water can do such wonders. I really want to continue this wonderful water for my children.”
From Salma Usman, London autism support group. Full testimonial available on request to

Testimonial from the mother of 2 autistic children

The water is excellent

The water is excellent: both Acikis and Sausas. The delivery was smooth and efficient

The water is excellent

Great tasting water and at a great price. Love it: Matthew

Great tasting water and at a great price. Love it


Super smooth Silica Water!

I was intrigued by the mineral rich aspect of this particular brand of bottled water in an already overcrowded market. The USP here is that the water apparently “safely removes neurotoxic aluminium from the body and promotes youthful looks”. Who isn’t looking for as many health and beauty aids these days so its a win-win for me! The water tastes smooth and has a slight yet indescribable taste which is very pleasant. It is also sourced from Galicia in Spain and is offered in a variety of sizes and quantities. I will be interested to see how well I feel and how youthful I look over the next few weeks! I can highly recommend this product thus far: Deborah

Highly recommend this product thus far

16 Dec 2021

Love this water 💧won’t drink anything…

Love this water 💧won’t drink anything else now: George from Leicester

Love this water 💧won’t drink anything else now:


I have spread the word about your product far and wide                                                                                              

I am 70 and have had MS for seven years. Someone told me about the research regarding aluminium. So having nothing to lose. I have been drinking it for roughly a month. I drink maybe one or two bottles a day of the 400 mil size. I obviously haven’t noticed a difference in my MS.

I have just ordered another 12 bottles of the larger size, I cannot see that he does any harm. I have spread the word about your product far and wide and I am shocked that the government know that aluminium has these awful effects, and yet have done nothing to prevent it being in so many products. Ann, Cornwall

I am 70 and have had MS for seven years.

Selling water which is superior to other bottled water: Susie



Selling water which is superior to other bottled water


15 Aug 2021

Arrived quickly and tastes excellent

Arrived quickly and tastes excellent, Not too pricy either

Arrived quickly and tastes excellent, Not too pricy either


I had a very quick reply from my email and when phoning to arrange pick up this was sorted very quickly: Adrian

Pick up sorted very quickly

“The difference it has made – nothing short of a miracle”

Testimonial from Angela, a shy 47-year-old with MS in Cheshire wrote this about Acilis by Spritzer silicawater: 

“I have been drinking this water for a week now and have noticed a real positive difference in my neurological function. I have had Multiple Sclerosis for 26 years – this is the gift that keeps on giving: in that it has damaged my cerebellum and I recently has a small stroke.

Desperate and feeling like I had not only MS and cerebellum ataxia, but dementia, Alzhiemers, and Parkinsons as well, I thought I would try drinking this water for a week. The difference it has made has been nothing short of a miracle so far – I actually can’t believe this, but here I am! Awake and feeling alive again rather than just living.

Thank you so much for making this magic water available to us all. I would definitely recommend to all neurologically compromised patients – there is something in it folks!” Angela from Cheshire

Science has proven that drinking silicawater, naturally rich in soluble silicic acid, is a safe and non-invasive way to remove aluminium or alum salts from the body. For the science click here:

A science paper published in the European Journal of Immunology shows how aluminium salts suppress immunity. Click here:

“The difference it has made – nothing short of a miracle”


Excellent product. Worth every penny to remove toxicity from aluminium that is so prevalent in our lives. Love the new Sousas bottle design too: Lezli

Worth every penny to remove toxicity from aluminium

Christine just left a new Trustpilot 5-star review of

Great service with very good speedy delivery

Great service with very good speedy delivery

I am a frequent buyer, and I can only recommend Silica Waters. Quick delivery, quick to answer on enquiries, very trustworthy. Niels

Very trustworthy

We absolutely love our Silica Water and…

We absolutely love our Silica Water and look forward to every delivery: Eileen

We absolutely love our Silica Water


Great customer service: Margo

Great customer service


Tegan Philp, Marketing Partnerships Manager, College of Naturopathic Medicine: The water was really delicious, and smooth. It tasted much better than other bottled waters and of course better than tap water too. I would definitely be recommending Acilis, and using it myself especially in a world where you really don’t know what is in your water. As a nutritionist, water quality concerns me. Fluoride and other toxins present in tape water cause nutrients to be depleted and harm the body.

As a nutritionist, water quality concerns me


Love Silica Waters! Such a beautiful taste and doing you so much good. Thank you so much for your excellent service. ❤️❤️Jo

Love Silica Waters!

Really pleased with this product. Fantastic service: Natalie

Verify link:


Really pleased with this product

Customer. E. Graham
Delivery was prompt, water taste as good as always, service great.

Water taste as good as always

Testimonial by mother of  2-year-old

“To my delight my 2-yearold daughter called me ‘Mamma’ for the very first time in her tiny life.

You have no idea how much this means to us as parents. We have a battle that we have to fight with NHS and Local Authorities to get services and help for our children, which they just do not want to do, and then there are conscious minded companies like yours which provide a lifeline for parents like us.”

Selina, autism and ADHA parents support group, London

Testimonial by mother of  2-year-old with autism

Silica Waters under Rex’s stewardship gives a consistently high service with excellent products. I am grateful that the silica rich mineral waters are available as environmental challenges increase. Rex has been and is diligent in keeping options available in these times . The waters have a clearing resonance and help in many ways. Thank you very much everyone that help make the much needed Silica waters available: Wendy

Thank you very much everyone that help make the much needed Silica waters available



Super customer service and great product: Gabriella

Super customer service and great product


I have been using your magical Silica water for a year now and it is the very best money can buy. Delivery is second to none with mine arriving the very next day.  Silicawater has made a big difference to my life.  Jean, Lancashire


Eshani just left a new 5-star review of

Fantastic company, lovely helpful people and great products at very competitive prices. I order a regular monthly box for us, our son and my parents and really hope the company will be able to keep supplying this highly beneficial water.

Hope the company will be able to keep supplying this highly beneficial water.


Really easy to order . Transparent shipping costs . Arrived really quickly .

Lovely tasting water , looking forward to the health benefits: Helen

Really easy to order


Good service: Sue

Good service


Great water, the most silica content after Fiji. Bought direct best. Quick delivery. Good service. Recommend: by Female Driver

Good service. Recommend

Love Silica Waters! Great product and excellent service. Thank you, Joanne

Love Silica Waters! Great product and excellent service

I AM CONVINCED OF THE HEALTH PROPERTIES OF SILICA WATER.                                                                                                      

I am 67, a retired nurse and always looking for ways to keep healthy. I was dismayed as my hair was going brittle and falling out. My nails were thin and peeling. I also had dry skin. Since drinking over the previous months your special water, I have had a major improvement…my hair is shiny and loss has really decreased.

I have got thicker nails. They were not even this strong when i was young. My skin is soft too. I am convinced of the health properties of silica water. MANY THANKS. PLEASE KEEP SUPPLYING THIS. Please don’t stop. Ann, North Wales




We use Acilis water primarily for my son who has severe Autism with profound and complex difficulties. He has many other disorders alongside ASD. Since we have started giving him Acilis water he has been able to open his bowels regularly with no pain. He has become far more alert and giving eye contact. Overall he has been making so much progress it has been amazing for our family. Thank you. Umm from Essex

My autistic son’s amazing progress


Excellent product delivered reliably. Thankyou

Excellent product delivered reliably

I was at first sceptical…now I advise it to anyone

I was at first sceptical but having read the science, watching The Age of Aluminium and some of Professor Exleys interviews as well as reading his article’s and research papers I introduced silica water to my son’s daily diet.

The noticeable changes were transformative in that my son had neuro development issues which initially impacted his speech to the point his teacher could not understand him and at his 1st assessment the speech therapist said he needed to go on the waiting list for 1:1 therapy.

This was significantly improved after the introduction of silica water which had made his pronunciation and forming of words and stringing together of sentences demonstrably improved. So much so that in his next speech therapy assessment 7 months later, the initial raised concerns were no longer prevalent and he was subsequently discharged with no treatment.

I now have all of my family drinking Silica water as part of our daily diet. I also advise it anyone I come across with  neurological conditions. The research behind silica water and aluminium has opened up my eyes to the possibilities of change for the better.

Brandie Eccles, Kent

I was at first sceptical…now I advise it to anyone


Silica waters

Had tried various waters over the years. Then came across Silica waters and ordered some. The taste is superb- clean and refreshing. I like the health benefits of this water which for me is the inspiration to actually buy it, and l like they deliver to your door Also the guy who delivered handled the package with care and great consideration. Top class! A genuine product. Christine Wright

I like the health benefits of this water which for me is the inspiration to actually buy it

I have always received great service from , even when they sent my delivery to the wrong house , it was rectified immediately, at no cost to myself. I recommend this water to everyone for us humans and the dogs , I have had the water tested myself and the outcome was amazing, was told it was the purest you can get , 5 stars plus thank you. Carol

Have always received great service from

Very efficient company. The water is superb quality.

From Intergrative Therapy

Very efficient company. The water is superb quality.


My eleven year old son, who has learning difficulties, has told me he feels that his memory is better, and I have seen an improvement with his speaking.
Helen, Sussex



Excellent product. I am very glad to have found out about Spritzer water. My orders have arrived very quickly

I am very glad to have found out about Spritzer water



Great water, I feel tons better already. Its amazing: Patricia

Great water, I feel tons better already. Its amazing

My naturopath recommended it to me. All I can say is wow now

I’m new to the silica water world. To be honest my naturopath recommended it to me and initially I was like, ehh not too sure. She’s a great naturopath, so got my first case. All I can say is wow now. The taste is amazing it’s like u have dipped your glass into a stream it’s so fresh. It’s hard to believe it comes all the way from Malaysia. I’ve had lots of different bottled water from around the world but this is truly the best. Oddly it quenched my thirst more than normal water. I didn’t think it would be able to replace my filtered water but it has. This is the only water I drink and the fact it’s so good for you removing harmful aluminium is the cherry on the cake. With each sip you feel your helping your body you feel the difference. It’s water as it should be. Pristine!  Angie, Essex

My naturopath recommended it to me. All I can say is wow now


As usual Silica Waters provided excellent service. The filled my order and delivered on time as promised. Can’t ask for more! Beth

As usual Silica Waters provided excellent service.

ONLY WATER SHE LIKES                                                                                                

My 2 year old daughter use to suffer from severe painful constipation and would hardly drink water. Since discovering silica water, it’s the only water she likes the taste of and has never been constipated since she started on this which was 6 months ago. Imran, Essex


I am a regular customer of Silica…

I am a regular customer of Silica Waters and receive 2 x boxes of 12 x 1.5.litres of their water every month. The water tastes great, but I am drinking it primarily to assist the detoxification of aluminium. The customer service also is extremely personal and efficient, which is so important for any business and yet so lacking in many. Silica Waters feel like a family business: warm, personal but professional. Consequently, I have recommended them to several of my friends, especially those with health issues.

Silicawaters feel like a family business: warm, personal but professional

This water is second to none, just amazing health benefits, my hair better and feel brilliant. I would recommend Silicawaters absolutely best water ever: Mrs Allen

This water is second to none, just amazing health benefits, my hair better and feel brilliant.


Excellent customer service

With my first order I inadvertently ordered something that was out of stock. I was contacted and offered an alternative which was cheaper and the difference in price was quickly reimbursed before I even had time to notice it. The water is delivered swiftly and my early experience of it is very positive. I have already ordered a second delivery: Jac



Excellent customer service


“ The potential for Acilis water is quite phenomenal. As a bioresonance therapist, I find that the vast majority of people with chronic disease do have extremely high levels of aluminium, cadmium, and mercury, amongst other particularly nasty heavy metals, many of which are actually in the pharmaceutical drugs they are taking. We certainly have reached a paradigm shift in health and wellbeing, and Silica Waters are destined to play a huge part in this. I will continue to recommend this product to our clients.”

Michael, Scotland

Acilis water is quite phenomenal


Great – very nice water! Richard

Great – very nice water!

IT HAS EASED MY MEMORY AND ARTHRITIS                                                                                                                                

I find drinking silicawater very refreshing and vitalising, it also appears to have eased some of my memory problems as well as eased the pain of my arthritis. It has certainly been good for me. Joe, Co Durham


Trustpilot Review

I am Blind, therefore, I have to use the PC with specialized audible software but I will never allow my disabilities to overshadow my abilities. I and other members of our blind club decided we would do an experiment when our Silica waters arrived.  So with some sighted assistance, we each had a glass of chilled `tap water` and a glass of chilled `Silica` water to see which was preferred.  97% of us preferred SILICA. We then tried the same experiment on our Guide Dogs: 100% of dogs seemed to prefer the Silica: Robert, Whitehaven

100% of dogs seem to prefer Silicawater

Knowing that it’s detoxing aluminum is a big bonus for the whole family

Acilis is incredible tasting water that makes me feel so refreshed. Knowing that it’s detoxing aluminum is a big bonus for the whole family., especially for the children with their issues. We always get through a box of it so quickly. I just wish it came out of my tap so I could bathe in it too! Thanks Dr Exley for all your amazing work: KT Prescott

Knowing that it’s detoxing aluminum is a big bonus for the whole family

Silicawater at healing workshop

I’m a Reiki Master and Aroma Touch Practitioner and I’m holding a wellness workshop on Saturday the 25th May at a beautiful location called Akasha Wellness in Bishop’s Stortford.

I’m going to be doing a workshop on how to use essential oils and talk about natural remedies. And then I’ll be doing a guided meditation and group reiki session.

I’m going to talk about the benefits of your water, as I really have noticed some since I started ordering water from you, and I’d like to spread the word on how we can help to remove Aluminium from the body, as well as how we can help to support other parts of the body like hair, nails and skin.

I just wanted to say thank you for the water you supplied for my healing workshop yesterday. It went really well and everyone loved the water!

Also, my daughter calls it “magic water”! 😊

Thank you again and I will use more water at the next workshop.

With gratitude, Maria Brown

Here are some photos of the workshop.

Silicawater at healing workshop


Always a great experience from order to delivery: Penny

Always a great experience from order to delivery


Everyone should try this and find out for themselves how this can help them.                                             

I have a 20-year-old son with Autism, who has been using Silica Water for the last couple of months. He has always suffered with constipation, at times going for 10 days without opening his bowels. Doctors didn’t feel the need to investigate this has they think it is part of having Autism. Everyone should try this and find out for themselves how this can help them.  Farzana, Croydon

I have a 20-year-old son with Autism,

Best tasting water on the planet

Best tasting water on the planet, so refreshing as well, I just love it: Andrew

Best tasting water on the planet

Silicawaters are a great company to deal with, delivery was very fast and the agent very polite and email queries are answered quickly and politely. I love their water, previously buying Acilis and now Sousa water. Sousa does tastes slightly metallic but is a lovely refreshing water which leaves no kettle sediment. I was lucky enough to be given an initial discount and really recommend both the products and the company: Mrs S.

Really recommend both the products and the company.



Very good for body, all aluminium out

Very good for body, all aluminium out!

Very good for body, all aluminium out!

I have been drinking Silica water for a few years now. I take my health seriously because I have had a number of issues and my detox pathways are not great. In this toxic world, I do everything I can to reduce my toxic load. Some toxins however will always find their way in – like aluminium – which is hidden in so many unexpected places. To be able to remove this by simply drinking water is a gift. Having my bottle of Silica water on hand, not only encourages me to drink more, but is saving my brain from the extremely harmful effects of aluminium and I want to preserve my memory at all costs.
I was so pleased to have discovered this and have added it to my arenol of “health hacks” and only wish that they were all as quick and easy as this one!
With thanks.

I’m pleased to have discovered this

Lisa, London


Speedy efficient service: Claire

Speedy efficient service



Firstly I’d like to mention that the customer service is extremely personable and of the highest quality. The silica water taste amazing and since drinking the water I have stronger nails and hair and my digestion has improved significantly. I would recommend this product: B Hewitt, Lancashire

The customer service is extremely personable

Fast delivery and great product

Very much enjoy drinking Acilis water, especially the carbonated version. 

Very much enjoy drinking Acilis water, especially the carbonated version.  Outer benefits are smooth skin and baby soft hair (according to hairdresser).  Inner benefits are better functioning immune system, quicker wound healing and help to combat development of Alzheimer’s.


Very much enjoy drinking Acilis water, especially the carbonated version. 



Love this water, and I love that it gets delivered on a monthly basis. We’re all ramping up the Silica water intake and feeling great for it.

Love this water


Excellent comms, customer service and very professional

As others have mentioned excellent customer service. My 1st order the bottles were pressed in near the top and made it very difficult to open the bottles without spilling water. I contacted silica waters and they sent me another box .. no hassles and better packaged. I can’t review on the quality of the water as I bought for my mum who has dementia, but she doesn’t drink enough to see if this works. i am trying a couple more boxes and will try and push her to drink more. I will update review if it improves her me memory. Excellent communications too, reply to emails quick and polite, even on sunday evening 🙂 Mohammed

Verified weblink: Silica Waters reviewed by Mohammed on 28/07/2024 (

Excellent comms, customer service and very professional



27 Oct 2021

Happy days

Very impressed with the service provided. Would like more information to be available on the science of silica waters and it’s ability to cross the blood brain barrier and remove harmful metals that pollute the body. Read a paper online from Keele University that directed me to yourselves, so know it’s not just a sales tactic. Keep up the good work. John

Keep up the good work.

Fantastic water that has really improved the speech of my son who has a neuro development disorder. I would highly recommend it ☺️ Brandie

I would highly recommend it


This company is so efficient and helpful. My order arrives regularly each month so no traipsing back with heavy bottles from the supermarket. Same price as normal bottled water, but it tastes so much better. And I love the thought I am taking the toxic metals out of my body with every glass I drink. Signed Private

This company is so efficient and helpful.


I was very pleased with the service from Silica Waters. The water was delivered very quickly and I am now thoroughly enjoying drinking it as a detox. I make my morning coffee using the water and drink it straight during the rest of the day: Dan

Very pleased with the service


11 Nov 2021

Silica water

I love drinking water but absolutely hate tap water. Tried silica waters today for the 1st time. It’s amazing, no nasty taste, but very smooth. Quick delivery and very polite delivery man. Will definitely be buying more. Sharon

Will definitely be buying more.

Awesome Acilis!

The smooth taste of this water is delicious and a 400ml bottle disappears very quickly. Its great to see a company investing in people’s health by providing such a pure source of an essential aid to life. Their ongoing research into the link between neurological disorders and the presence of toxic aluminium within our bodies is admirable and educational in equal measure. I cannot recommend the purchase of this water highly enough: Deborah

Awesome Acilis! I cannot recommend the purchase of this water highly enough


TRACY S just left a new 5-star review of

Water seems lovely and only time will tell if it improves my little one


Water seems lovely and only time will tell if it improves my little one



Successful order: Paul

Successful order

I would recommend this water to anybody who wants to detox

My daughter who is now 2 years old have been drinking Acilis water for many months now. She is a vaccine injured baby and I can see an improvement with her eye alignment ( she has intermittent esotropia)  which looks much better now than when she started to drink this water. I am extremely happy with her detox progress and would recommend this water to anybody who wants to detox their body from aluminium. Anna, Worcestershire

I would recommend this water to anybody who wants to detox

Super fast delivery

Super fast delivery, placed an order at 3pm with regular delivery (not fast, next day) and had it delivered the next morning in London: Catalina

Super fast delivery

Good product and service.

Good product, mineral water with a high silica content: Phil

Good service from the team at silicawaters.


This water, it’s amazing.

I started drinking Silica water after learning about the amount of aluminium in our bodies from food packaging, cooking utensils, geo-engineering etc.  With my memory was getting worse,   I decided to take action and found this amazing product. I will use this amazing water on a permanent basis from now on! Thank you for a wonderful product. Chris, Ireland

It has eased my memory and arthritis                                               

With my memory was getting worse

I can feel a difference already with my cognitive function and clearer thinking.                                                             

I have severe heavy metal toxicity and Aluminium being the highest of all the metals I am toxic with.

I have started giving my children the silica water too although it’s harder to get them to drink enough in the hour as required. I will continue to have the silica water as part of our ongoing health regime to reduce Aluminium. Thank you so so much for your ongoing research. Clare, Holmfirth

I can feel a difference already with my cognitive function and clearer thinking.  


Love the taste of both the still and sparkling water. Arrived quickly, packed well. Second order, will continue ordering. Thank you, Debbie

Love the taste of both the still and sparkling water


Always excellent service

Always excellent service: Camilla

Always excellent service


‘What is there not to like about Acilis? A great taste and an even better feeling of wellbeing knowing that it is helping to protect your body against the ravages of aluminium!’ – Professor Christopher Exley and a world authority on the connection between aluminium and silicon

Protect your body against the ravages of aluminium

Fantastic product and service

Fantastic product and service. Silica water is known to have health benefits that after a year of drinking it I feel better, the research by Christopher Exley is convincing in that silica binds with aluminium and helps remove aluminium in the body. I’d recommend his book and drinking any water with a high silica: Phil

Fantastic product and service



I would definitely recommend! Tastes so smooth as well as great for you! Laura

I would definitely recommend! Tastes so smooth as well as great for you!


20 Aug 2021

Fantastic Silica Waters

Thank you for the fabulous Silica waters I recently purchased. Excellent service and wonderful silica enriched water. Amazing health benefits! Thank you to Rex, Mr Aluminium and your staff. Best Wishes Jo

Excellent service and wonderful silica enriched water. Amazing health benefits!

One of the best delivery time we have ever had! Congratulations!


Best delivery time


I am a regular customer and have always received good service. Thank you, Christine

Thank you Christine for your 5-star review, from

Originak review:


Have always received good service


Excellent product from trusted source: Helen

Excellent product from trusted source


Customer care as it should be

Fantastic customer care and support. Wendy took time to explain about Silica water and how it all came about. No question was too much and i did ask a lot! Whilst no miracle cure claims were made , research into a water i only heard about a week ago was fascinating and gave me a bit of hope that if it made the slightest bit of difference for my Autistic son then it’s worth trying. After all it is water and not chemical filled medicine. Watch Dr Exley’s videos on the internet to give you a bit of background: Depak

Customer care as it should be


Great service/Great product

Great service/Great product

I love the Acilis Water! I need it to detoxify aluminium, and the effect is strong. Thank you!

I love this water


100% True Silica water by Acilis, game change for our 2 children’s with autism ( non verbal and more…) We are now enjoying to talk and listening to our children after 5 years of silence, because of the vaxxx👀!!! THIS IS REAL !!,not conspiracy 🤣 Open your eyes to see the TRUE Good blessing all: Marius

Game change for our 2 children with autism

TrustPilot 5-star review:
I love this water. I buy it every 3 months. The delivery was timely and the packaging was good. Great value for money and great health benefits. Highly recommended product! Jenny,London.

I love this water

Excellent product. Delivery always arrives on time. Highly recommend this company. Petra

Highly recommend this company

I only drink your water, and want to say thanks. I was incredibly ill and drinking your water has helped. I entered your competition and won a box, and haven’t look back since.

Many thanks Francesca from Hampshire.

I only drink your water,  and haven’t look back since.

Great tasting Water – I think with the amount of Aluminium we put in our bodies in the modern day world (deodorant, food, beauty products etc…) Silica Water is a must as counter balance. Feel more energetic since drinking it for the past two weeks. I use it in my Nespresso Machine too!! Joe, Manchester

Great tasting Water


Brilliant tasting and great delivery. Thankyou, Matthew Bishop

Brilliant tasting and great delivery.



I go without food or hot drinks two days a week which is mainly to save money, but also it’s to detox my system from what is being pumped into us via tap water and chemtrails. This is pretty hard because I’m busy and also work in a stressful job from home. This water was introduced to me by my sister who does the same and it is so lovely, so refreshing, that I almost look forwards to my fasts! Jadwiga

Thank you Jadwiga for your 5-star review, from



Good service, quick and efficient: Catherine

Good service, quick and efficient

It worked better than I thought possible.

 I purchased a crate of Acilis water to try alleviate some issues with my autistic family…it worked better than I thought possible…a lot calmer and a clearer head by all…..shame we can’t get it through the taps instead of the poison we’re forced to drink & bath in.

Rachel, Yorkshire

It worked better than I thought possible.


Good customer service, notified me when the water was back in stock and delivered promptly: Beverley

Verify: Silica Waters reviewed by Beverley on 16/09/2024 (

Good customer service


Great tasting water delivered promptly. Ideal for removing Aluminium from your system: Andy

Ideal for removing Aluminium from your system


I love your Silica water .. it’s so smooth tasting and soothing on the gut .. it hydrates so well and I love that it’s helping clear the levels of Aluminium from my body .. I’ve noticed hair nails and skin improvements too. Thank you for a lovely product 10/10: by Nikki

Thank you Nikki for your 5-star review, glad to hear the difference silica-rich water has made: from


A pure pleasure to deal with, lovely water, speedy delivery, an all round 5 star experience. And then there is the pleasure of drinking the lovely stuff. So 25 stars out of 5: Pete

So 25 stars out of 5


Love Silica Waters

Love Silica Waters! Such a beautiful taste and doing you so much good. Thank you so much for your excellent service. ❤️❤️Jo

Love Silica Waters!

Ordering is easy …

Ordering is easy and my deliveries have come within 3 days and the customer service from delivery company was amazing also: Osman

Ordering is easy and my deliveries have come within 3 days

I have tried both the ‘fizzy’ and plain water and really enjoyed both. It seems to have helped the texture of my hair, which is a big plus from me! Mrs M Flaxington

A big plus for me

Customer just left a new 5-star review of

Great love their water

Great love their water

Excellent service and prompt delivery. Wendy was very helpful. Will definitely order from Silica Waters again: Insighful

Excellent service and prompt delivery

Good product, service & delivery

Good information on website about silica water. Good product, good service, fast delivery: Clare



Good product, service & delivery




The water tastes delicious and smooth

The water tastes delicious and smooth. Very pleased: Jackie

The water tastes delicious and smooth.


Received excellent customer service: Lizzy

Received excellent customer service

What is there not to like about Acilis? A great taste and an even better feeling of wellbeing knowing that it is helping to protect your body against the ravages of aluminium.” Chris, Staffordshire


IT WAS AS THOUGH WE HAD NEVER DRUNK REAL WATER BEFORE!                                                                          

We first drank Acilis in the Summer, it quenched our thirst with its pure taste and made us actually want to drink water! It was as though we had never drunk real water before! We wish this could just pour out of our taps and we could bathe in it! KT and Fiona, Bristol

It was as though we had never drunk real water before!


Excellent water. Seen Major improvements in my son’s autism since he started drinking Acilis Water a few years ago. 1 litre a day keeps aluminium at bay. Research Prof Chris Exley and silica water to find out why drinking silica water helps to eliminate Aluminium from our bodies and brain. As always, swift delivery and great water: Wendy B

Major improvements in my son’s autism since he started drinking Acilis



Excellent service: Joy

Excellent service:


Great water company

Great water and so convenient having it on a regular delivery. No more lugging heavy bags home from the supermarket. Tastes great…and keeps your brain toxic metal free at the same time. Who could ask for more! Sara

Tastes great…and keeps your brain toxic metal free

Love the water thank you! Using for my health and hopeful it will contribute positively! Leila


Really good water! We use Acilis for over one year, my children with special needs feeling very healthy after use! 100% we recommend! Marius

My children with special-needs feeling very healthy after use


I’m new to Silica water and I must…

I’m new to Silica water and I must admit was pleasantly surprised by its taste. Very enjoyable. William

I’m new to Silica water and I must admit was pleasantly surprised by its taste. Very enjoyable.


11 Dec 2021

perfectly easy

Great easy hassle free way to get this wonderful water each month, many thanks. Badger Sales

Great easy hassle free way to get this wonderful water each month

I am sold on this: Sharing a newsletter called Reboot Health from UK health blogger Sara Davenport, who is regularly drinking Acilis by Spritzer silicawater.

“After trying it out for myself, I’m sold on this easy way to reduce the levels of mercury, aluminium and lead in your system,” says Sara. “My aluminium level halved in the time, and my mercury levels went down by around 90%. So, genius, quite frankly and a painless way to detox from metals.”

Click View:

I am sold on this


I experienced some difficulty in ordering on-line so I phoned the help line and spoke with a very friendly and helpful member of staff who helped me with ordering. Delivery was a little later than expected but was not a problem. Many thanks, Becky

Spoke with a very friendly and helpful member of staff who helped me with ordering


I have been using your magical Silica water for a year now and it is the very best money can buy. I have started using two capfuls of organic Apple Cider Vinegar in each bottle …

Delivery is second to none with mine arriving the very next day.  Acilis has made a big difference to my life.  Jean, Lancashire




I order regularly, highly recommend

Very happy customer

Lisa’s epilepsy – how Acilis silicawater is making a difference

“Since my daughter Lisa started drinking Acilis by Spritzer silicawater, I am pleased to say she has stopped having seizures from her epilepsy. I am going to share this with her hospital consultant because I want others to know the difference it has made.” Message received from Michelle, Blackpool.

Toxic aluminium overload linked to epilepsy for the first time

UK scientific research has revealed for the first time a correlation between epilepsy and neurotoxic aluminium overload.

Newly developed aluminium-specific fluorescence microscopy highlighted for the first time unusually high levels of aluminium in brain tissue belonging to an individual who died following an overdose of alum salts in tap water. This was caused by an overload of aluminium salts being dropped into a water treatment plant in the Cornish town of Camelford over 30 years ago.

View the science at:

Lisa’s Epilepsy – How Acilis Silicawater Is Making A Difference

The order arrived in good time and was…

The order arrived in good time and was sensibly packaged, and no damage to the bottles. The water has a pleasant taste (and far superior to our tap water). I am encouraged to learn that the bottles are said to be microplastic-free and also free of the forever plasticising chemicals: Dr Alistair Montgomery.

Verification link:



Microplastic-free and free of forever plasticising chemicals

Excellent: Delivered on time, customer service is quick and excellent with any queries… and the water is really easy and pleasant to drink! Beverley

Delivered on time, customer service is quick and excellent with any queries

With the rollout of the 5G bioweapon, I wanted to bind aluminium with silica and to flush it out of the body. This is based on the academic research by Dr Chris Exley and his team, albeit the bioweapon. This silica rich water allows me to do that: Safinah

Flushing aluminium from the body

Customer just left a new 5-star review of

This is the nicest tasting bottled water with impressive health benefits. The staff are genuinely helpful which is a rarity I’ve found. I couldn’t fault anything. Many thanks. 👍

This is the nicest tasting bottled water with impressive health benefits


Response to answering my questions was quick and helpful. Thank you

Response to answering my questions was quick and helpful



Pleasant and helpful telephone manner: Joy

Pleasant and helpful telephone manner

Really fast service and fantastic product: Cathy

Really fast service and fantastic product


Best customer service in the world :-)!

Best customer service in the world :-)!



I’m only doing a 4 and not a 5, as there is no option for glass bottles. I find it incredible that the company does not offer this. It’s such good water, why risk any sort of contamination with (even BPA free) plastic bottles? ‘BPA-Free’ still carries contaminates. I look forward to this being an option one day, where I would then look to bulk buy. Thanks Matt

It’s such good water


TRUSTPILOT 5-star review

Really enjoy drinking this refreshing water: customer

Really enjoy drinking this refreshing water

I CAN FEEL A DIFFERENCE ALREADY WITH MY COGNITIVE FUNCTION AND CLEARER THINKING.                                                              

I have been using the Acilis silica water for a few weeks and I am seeing great results already.I have severe heavy metal toxicity and Aluminium being the highest of all the metals I am toxic with. I have memory and cognitive issues and chronic fatigue. I have only been using it for a few weeks but I can feel a difference already with my cognitive function and clearer thinking.

I have started giving my children the silica water too although it’s harder to get them to drink enough in the hour as required. I will continue to have the silica water as part of our ongoing health regime to reduce Aluminium. Thank you so so much for your ongoing research. Clare, Holmfirth


Good customer service – we were kept informed
James Taylor

Good customer service

James Taylor


Very quick delivery and quick answers to some questions I had. I appreciate what this company is trying to do: Olly

I appreciate what this company is trying to do


This is the nicest tasting mineral water with outstanding health benefits: Louise

Nicest tasting mineral water with outstanding health benefits


Quick prompt service. Ordering was straight forward and water arrived within a few days, and I like the taste of it. Thank you: Norma

Quick prompt service. I like the taste of it.

Fast and efficient easy to use website: Peter

Fast and efficient easy to use website

13 hours ago

Excellent water

Good for digestion, feeling energised and ‘refreshed’ from the inside: Antonieta

Good for digestion, feeling energised and ‘refreshed’ from the inside


Always good service from this company, been using them a while: Mr Evans

Always good service from this company, been using them a while

Love this water. Been purchasing it for my daughter who had vaccine damage. Can see a difference in her behaviour. Added bonus you’re hair gets thicker.

Love this water

Happy parent of autistic son!

I have been buying silica water for my 8 years old autistic son for about 1,5 years now. I have done a lot of research and was really pleased to find an easy and un-intrusive way to help my son to detox aluminium safely out of his body. The water taste pleasant and he actually likes drinking it plain without adding any squash. I am also giving him supplements that supports his brain functions like omega 3 and lions mane capsules together with probiotics and Oxygen therapy that we attend forth nightly. The change in him is impressive! He is much more calm, focused and happier child. It’s much easier having conversation with him now and his responses are amazing. His speech improved and yes some words are still not clear at times, but I have no doubts that with time and continued efforts he will get there! I highly recommend it to every parent with autistic child! Thank you silica water! You have a customer for life! 🙂 by Heinz

Happy parent of autistic son!



Fiona mcbride left a new 5-star review of

Great service and communication

Great service and communication

9 hours ago

Glad to have found this company

Glad to have found a reliable source of this good quality water, makes a change from the usual brands of mineral water in my local supermarkets: Polly

A reliable source of this good quality water


Excellent water backed up by solid research: Lara

Excellent water backed up by solid research


Great product and great service: Kathryn

Great product and great service


5 Oct 2021

Delicious easy to drink water

Delicious easy to drink water. Soft and smooth. You can taste the alkaline of it compared to the acid taste of our hard water tap water. Kate

Delicious easy to drink water. Soft and smooth.


Good experience

Good experience. I got my order promptly. The water tastes nice and it’s good to know it helps remove aluminium from your system. Will be buying again: Julie

Verification link:




Knowledgeable and helpful company

Knowledgeable and helpful company, fast and efficient service: by Jasper

Knowledgeable and helpful company




Very nice water and a great service many thanks

Great service

Should definitely get some

It was good and pure water and it makes your skin clear. The water has helped my son’s autism greatly: Zainab



The water has helped my son’s autism greatly


I am convinced about silica water.                                                                                                     

I am 67, a retired nurse and always looking for ways to keep healthy. I was dismayed as my hair was going brittle and falling out. My nails were thin and peeling. I also had dry skin. Since drinking over the previous months your special water, I have had a major improvement…my hair is shiny and loss has really decreased.

I have got thicker nails. They were not even this strong when i was young. My skin is soft too. I am convinced about silica water. MANY THANKS. PLEASE KEEP SUPPLYING THIS. Please don’t stop. Ann, North Wales

Stronger hair and nails


We love this water. I have MS and this water has made a difference to my overall wellbeing, the nurse said she had never seen my urine sample so clean and healthy, she asked what we had done to achieve this and we told her about the water. Charles

I have MS and this water has made a difference to my overall wellbeing

Amazing water: Healthful, delicious and very reasonably priced! Clears the brain of aluminium, and is great for hair, skin and nails.
Judith, London

Amazing Water

Research involving  Multiple Sclerosis

Read latest UK anecdotal research published in the Hippocratic Post:

Research involving  Multiple Sclerosis


The water from Silicawaters is very pure water and is an excellent drink I do not put anything in it at all just slightly chilled, however I do sometimes have it in a single malt Whisky it’s amazing the difference in taste! I use filtered water for tea and coffee, but really prefer the Silica water and I now find I am drinking less and less of the tea and coffee prefering the silica water on it’s own. Will have to make it a monthy supply soon. There is the added bonus that it is doing your body good by removing the aluminium from your brain and organs. I find it terrible that you can find aluminium in virtually everything this should have been a Public Health Concern many year’s ago. It is in several pills that I need to take as I found out, if I could do without them I would! So the Silica water is a good backup when I take the pills. I do read a lot of the Scientific data that Silica gives out and the papers really do enlighten you! I need to make this my only drink really as I do absolutely love it. Everyone should try this. I have stuck just to the Malaysian one, but will have to try the other one from Spain I believe it is from their, will have to read the notes. Anyway the very best to all of you Silica Water drinkers and for the Staff at Silicawaters. For the good Job they are doing!! John




Thank you Silicawaters for the good job you are doing




Best healing water! For autism: Marius



Best healing water! For autism


Great service and better to buy direct: Cova

Great service and better to buy direct

From placing the order with Rex to the delivery everything is perfect.The delivery person is so professional and helpful: Suzy

From placing the order with Rex to the delivery everything is perfect.

To remove this by simply drinking water is a gift

I have been drinking Silica water for a few years now. I take my health seriously because I have had a number of issues and my detox pathways are not great. In this toxic world, I do everything I can to reduce my toxic load. Some toxins however will always find their way in – like aluminium – which is hidden in so many unexpected places. To be able to remove this by simply drinking water is a gift. Having my bottle of Silica water on hand, not only encourages me to drink more, but is saving my brain from the extremely harmful effects of aluminium and I want to preserve my memory at all costs.

I was so pleased to have discovered this and have added it to my arenol of “health hacks” and only wish that they were all as quick and easy as this one! With thanks.


To remove this by simply drinking water is a gift


The company and product are exemplary, any issues that arise are dealt with efficiently and promptly. The water is the best around: Bob Nelson

The company and product are exemplary


Poor delivery service, notified delivery would be on Saturday when I would be out so changed delivery to the following Tuesday only for half the delivery to arrive on the previous Friday. I found the delivery company totally incompetent and the driver! I have ordered your products previously and found them excellent and have recommended them to many people. I don’t feel inclined to do so in future: Phillip


Ordered your products previously and found them excellent


Excellent service & product

Verify weblink:

Excellent service & product

Ken Warren
There is a saying beautiful feathers make a beautiful bird.This is the same for this product. The water is more refreshing than others me and wife have tried .This is more so because of the attractive bottle and label. It is a very pleasant bottle to hold and look at when drinking from .Well done ! Regards Ken Warren, South Lanarkshire

The water is more refreshing than others me and wife have tried

Startling prophesy about the importance of silica in health therapy

This amazing prophesy about Silicon was made over 100 years ago by the great scientist Louis Pasteur, who discovered Pasteurisation and Vaccination: He said: “The effects Silicic Acid (soluble silicon) are destined to play a great and major role in therapy.”

Startling prophesy about the importance of silica in health therapy


I included this product into my news article because I feel that if a product has such wonderful properties as this one, the word should be spread as far and wide as possible. I drink Acilis whenever possible, and the taste is fantastic. It is refreshing and very different from any other bottled water that I have tasted.”

Christina, Bognor


I work as a nutritionist and recommend silica water to all my clients.                                                                  

My husband works next to a machine shop that cuts aluminium. There is a high proportion of workers that have died from cancer or suffered mental health issues.

As a family our two daughters run a dance school and the grandchildren are all dancers. The silica water not only tastes good and seems to quench your thirst more effectively, it also maintains healthy joints and suppleness. I personally use it at the gym. I used to suffer with pins and needles at night before drinking silica water and this has now almost totally gone. I work as a nutritionist and recommend silica water to all my clients. Tonia, Chelmsford


I work as a nutritionist and recommend silica water to all my clients.       


Good company from my experience. Hope the water does what they have suggested it does. Postage was expensive, but that’s because of the weight so as I was in the area I went to their pick up point in Sussex. Had problems finding the actual warehouse as quite a few businesses in the same area but now know where to go, staff were helpful and put into my car for me. So far so good: Cathy

Good company from my experience.

I HAVE SPREAD THE WORD ABOUT YOUR PRODUCT FAR AND WIDE                                                                                              

I am 70 and have had MS for seven years. Someone told me about the research regarding aluminium and its effects on dementia and MS. So having nothing to lose. I have been drinking it for roughly a month. I drink maybe one or two bottles a day of the 400 mil size. I obviously haven’t noticed a difference in my MS.

I have just ordered another 12 bottles of the larger size, I cannot see that he does any harm and hope that it may stop any further damage from MS. And hopefully deter any nasty results from the effects of dementia and Alzheimer’s. I have spread the word about your product far and wide and I am shocked that the government know that aluminium has these awful effects, and yet have done nothing to prevent it being in so many products. Ann, Cornwall

Spreading the word


Nice people, good service and amazing water

You can really taste the difference with bottled water in supermarkets and tap water. I hope to see the difference soon enough! They also have good customer service as they responded to my queries swiftly with regards to the delivery. I have subscribed to a monthly delivery: Peppa

Nice people, good service and amazing water


I had large amount of hair loss this water helped stop the hair loss . My skin also feels amazing: Eylem Ja

I had large amount of hair loss this water helped stop the hair loss


Still pushing that “Flouridated” Sousa brand.. such a shame. those who don’t drink sodium Flouride poison from industrial waste should avoid Sousa ! despite all the FAKE studies on Flouride, just research where it actually comes from & you’ll avoid it like the plague: Techical Control.

Silicawaters replied: Fluoride is found naturally as harmless tiny trace deposits in most sources of water, including tap water. Sousas mineral water with a tiny fluoride content of 0.4mg/L is such a harmless trace element of nature as it emerges from an underground stream below the Galicia Mountains of Spain: from

Natural trace elements are tiny


Great service Great product: Duncan

Great service Great product



I’ve been a customer for the past year or so and I find Silica Waters excellent. The products are great, fast delivery, great communication and excellent customer service. A very happy customer indeed!

The products are great, fast delivery, great communication

Arrived a day earlier than forecast. Well-packaged, good communication, great product!
John Gardner

Well-packaged, good communication, great product!



Speedy efficient service and excellent product: Claire

Speedy efficient service and excellent product

I was introduced to Acilis water by a friend of mine after I had been complaining of feeling short of energy for months, and my immune system wasn’t working as it had been; I was getting colds and bugs and skin complaints more and more frequently.
Well my initial thought was wow, this tastes too good to be water! It is silky smooth and tastes so fresh.
I’m a bit of a cynic so wasn’t expecting, in all honesty, to feel any different. However, within half an hour I realised I had a boost of energy. I wasn’t feeling as sluggish. So I finished the bottle and asked for more!
I’ve now been drinking Acilis water as a part of my diet for over 3 months and I’ve not had a cold once in this time. My skin is clear and my hair has grown thicker and longer.

Wow, this tastes good

Anna, Bognor


29 Oct 2021

Very helpful

Very helpful, professional and great product. Thanks

Very helpful, professional and great product


Rated 5 out of 5 stars

I love your Silicawater…

I love your Silicawater .. it’s so smooth tasting and soothing on the gut .. it hydrates so well and I love that it’s helping clear the levels of Aluminium from my body .. I’ve noticed hair nails and skin improvements too.
Thank you for a lovely product

Date of experience: April 06, 2024

Thank you Nikki for your 5-star review, glad to hear the difference silica-rich water has made: from



I love your Silicawater


13 Nov 2021

Lovely water and really great service

Lovely water and really great service. Always comes earlier than expected.


Lovely water and really great service. Always comes earlier than expected.


Smooth tasting elixir and feels healthy…

Smooth tasting elixir and feels healthy too.

Smooth tasting elixir and feels healthy too.



Helen Mantell (Cornwall)
We’ve bought Silica Waters Acilis Water for a while now. The water has a wonderful, crisp fresh taste however I primarily bought it because of the evidence that shows it helps to remove aluminium from the body. Coming from a family who are prone to autoimmune disorders I do everything I can to reduce exposure to pro-inflammatory, immune disruptors and aluminium is right up there – and it’s impossible to avoid. I can’t provide any lab data to back up my experience however all I can say is our autoimmune-type symptoms have reduced across the board. It’s also important to me that the bottle that it comes in is BPA free so that we’re not exposing ourselves to additional hormone disruptors. Service-wise, I can’t recommend Silica Waters highly enough. Our orders usually arrive e within 24 hours and are fully tracked. The whole process is effortless from start to finish.

I can’t recommend Silica Waters highly enough.

Our son was diagnosed with severe Autism at the age of 2. When our son was 9 years old, I found an article about Prof Exley’s work regarding autism, aluminium and silica water. So I ordered a couple of boxed of Acilis Water to ‘give it a go’. What did we have to lose? and more importantly, what did my son have to lose? To be honest, once he started drinking this water we never looked back. Our son drinks Acilis Water every day and the improvements we have seen over the past 2 years have been nothing but amazing. My son’s speech, eye contact, play, imagination, sensory issues etc are all continually improving month after month. He used to regress when he had a cold, but not now, he just carries on improving. As a family we never did anything, because we couldn’t go anywhere with our son as he would have meltdowns, now though, we go to the cinema, pantomimes, farms, shops, parks, car boot sales, etc there is nowhere we don’t try and go to and usually have a successful trip. Our son still has a very long way to go, and he will always be autistic, but he is now at least enjoying his life and experiencing things other children do. I never knew he was so clever and his memory now is fantastic. So what does Acilis Water mean to us as a family? Answer: it’s a little miracle in a bottle.

It’s helping to give our son’s life back

Wendy, Cambridgeshire.



Linda just left a new 5-star review of

I love this water! I love it because it is free from flouride and it is silica rich, which I know is healthier for me and my family. Thank you Silica Waters: Linda



I have a 20-year-old son with Autism, who has been using Silica Water for the last couple of months. He has always suffered with constipation, at times going for 10 days without opening his bowels. Doctors didn’t feel the need to investigate this has they think it is part of having Autism. Since taking this silica water, he has become regular. Everyone should try this and find out for themselves how this can help them.  Very happy with the results with my son.  Farzana, Croydon


Critics Of Professor’s Research Insult Our  Children, Says Mother.

“The accusations of misinformation directed towards not just Prof Exley, but other credible scientist and practitioners, is an insult to our ASD children and has become a major tool in ‘preventing’, and seems not to apply to those who benefit financially from closing such doors.”

I wish to show my support for Professor Chris Exley who’s research I value immensely as do the parents of ASD children within my community

I am a parent of two children with ASD one of which also has ADHD, and I have contact with over 200 parents of ASD children. For your information I am also a qualified social worker with experience throughout my career in both mental health and learning disabilities.

Within the ASD community parents share their experiences of tried and tested alternative therapies, diets, food and research which may have helped their child. It was within this community I became familiar with the research in aluminium by Prof. Chris Exley. His research makes complete logical sense this far and as a community parents are keen for him to be afforded the right to complete this vital research. Regardless of the outcome, this will be evidence which can be reflected on in any future developments within the scientific community and Autism / ADHD research.

Personally, I have used silica water for my child and monitored any changes. As you may know silica rich water removes aluminium from the body (which cannot be expelled). 

With the increase in the diagnosis of autism it concerns me greatly that any research which may or may not prove a contributory factor to the cause of autism should be blocked or disrupted. I do not accept that autism is only caused by genetics or that the increase in diagnosis is only due to better tools for diagnosing. Our bodies are exposed to more toxins from various contributors in the modern-day diet of foods full of chemicals, pesticides and heavy metals.

It would be naive to not question who seeks to benefit from preventing and discrediting such research? What are their vested interests? I do not believe the prevention, disruption of research and discrediting of such an esteemed and valued scientist is acceptable, and question if there is a hidden agenda behind such action.

For those of us living with autism on a daily basis and trying to improve our children’s potential and ‘symptoms’ it is a travesty to see once again a credible scientist being silenced and disrespected. Time and again as one scientific door opens, we as a community have to accept that someone chooses to close it before we find answers. The accusations of misinformation directed towards not just Prof Exley, but other credible scientist and practitioners, is an insult to our ASD children and has become a major tool in ‘preventing’, and seems not to apply to those who benefit financially from closing such doors.

I know parents whose children were meeting mile  stones and speaking, yet after aluminium toxicity exposure these children lost speech, eye contact, precessing ability and self-regulation virtually overnight. There are many cases. We cannot ignore the many cases of anecdotal evidence and the opportunities presented to research this further.

I fully support Prof. Chris Exley as do many in the ASD community. We need scientist like him, and we need them to be able to complete their research without biased interference, regardless of the outcomes. In simple terms, the quality of our children’s lives and their ability to fulfill their potential depends on such research now and in the future.

Hazel, London autism support group. Contact with Hazel is available by request to

Critics Of Research Insult Our Children, Says Mother

In 6 months of daily use I have noticed a clear enhancement in the way I feel

I added silica water to my fitness regime and dropped the supermarket water as an experiment. In 6 months of daily use I have noticed a clear enhancement in the way I feel, with better mind clarity and more energy levels of endurance. I sense this is due to the metals being removed from my body and cleaner, purer water going into my body. Martin Brown, Middlesex

In 6 months of daily use I have noticed a clear enhancement in the way I feel


Absolutely love the water 😍. I bought it for my son who has neurological issues and I’m hoping it will help to remove aluminium from his brain. Absolutely love this company who even gave me a discount for my son due to his issues . I hope to see some improvement with my son in few months who I’ve also put on the GAPS diet and he’s also having cranial oesteopathy so I’m hoping the combination of changes will help him: Zara

Absolutely love the water


The product speaks for itself: it’s brilliant. But the service is also excellent: I always get straight through to a very friendly voice who takes my order carefully without rushing. It is such a pleasant change from the usual phone conversations when ordering products. I have used Silica Waters for some time now and will continue to do so. I thoroughly recommend this company.

The product speaks for itself: it’s brilliant


The water is delicious and already my autistic son is more responsive, he can’t get enough of it. I will be ordering more: Carmel

Hi Carmel, that’s such good news to hear. Give your son all best wishes from us at

Mineral Content


Mineral Content (Avg. mg/L)

Silica 51
Bicarbonate 50.7
Calcium 5.6
Magnesium 1.7
Potassium 2
Sodium 26.4

Fluoride 0.4

Total dissolved solids 180
pH6.4 (sparkling pH4.4) 

Analysis by independent certified Dr Oliver Rodes Laboratory

SKU: 8413574414203/parent Category: Tag: