Who knew about Not-for-Profit Social Enterprise for Good

Who knew? Social Enterprise Day Nov 19

Who knew about Social Enterprise ?

Silicawaters.com is a certified not-for-profit social enterprise for good – put caring for the community over profit.

Certified by government approved organisation Social EnterpriseUK, Silicawaters.com does it by providing free samples of silica-rich mineral water with discounts to hundreds of families impacted by neurological conditions such as Alzheimer’s and autism, while pledging a portion of profit to further scientific research.

For their unique artesian bottled mineral water called “Acilis by Spritzer”, is scientifically proven* to remove immuno-suppressant*** neurotoxic aluminium from the body, while boosting rejuvenating body collagen**

Silicawaters.com was inspired to make silica-rich mineral water available for the first time here after hearing ground breaking research by UK scientists about its natural power to remove ubiquitous metal from our body and brain – even though it has to come all the way from the tropical rainforest of Malaysia where it is eco-sustainably sourced.

For the science:

*How silicawater uniquely removes neurotoxic aluminium from the body: https://wp.me/p8c3gd-75g

**Boosts rejuvenating body collagen: https://www.healthquestpodcast.com/186-clinical-joint-support-for-male-athletes-my-interview-with-richard-passwater-jr/

***Boosting natural immunity: https://scholar.google.co.uk/scholar?q=he+vaccine+adjuvant+alum+promotes+IL-10+production+that+suppresses+Th1+responses&hl=en&as_sdt=0&as_vis=1&oi=scholart

Certified Social Enterprise
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