Critics of Professor’s research insult our children, says mother.
“The accusations of misinformation directed towards not just Prof Exley, but other credible scientist and practitioners, is an insult to our ASD children and has become a major tool in ‘preventing’, and seems not to apply to those who benefit financially from closing such doors.”
I wish to show my support for Professor Chris Exley who’s research I value immensely as do the parents of ASD children within my community
I am a parent of two children with ASD one of which also has ADHD, and I have contact with over 200 parents of ASD children. For your information I am also a qualified social worker with experience throughout my career in both mental health and learning disabilities.
Within the ASD community parents share their experiences of tried and tested alternative therapies, diets, food and research which may have helped their child. It was within this community I became familiar with the research in aluminium by Prof. Chris Exley. His research makes complete logical sense this far and as a community parents are keen for him to be afforded the right to complete this vital research. Regardless of the outcome, this will be evidence which can be reflected on in any future developments within the scientific community and Autism / ADHD research.
Personally, I have used silica water for my child and monitored any changes. As you may know silica rich water removes aluminium from the body (which cannot be expelled).
With the increase in the diagnosis of autism it concerns me greatly that any research which may or may not prove a contributory factor to the cause of autism should be blocked or disrupted. I do not accept that autism is only caused by genetics or that the increase in diagnosis is only due to better tools for diagnosing. Our bodies are exposed to more toxins from various contributors in the modern-day diet of foods full of chemicals, pesticides and heavy metals.
It would be naive to not question who seeks to benefit from preventing and discrediting such research? What are their vested interests? I do not believe the prevention, disruption of research and discrediting of such an esteemed and valued scientist is acceptable, and question if there is a hidden agenda behind such action.
For those of us living with autism on a daily basis and trying to improve our children’s potential and ‘symptoms’ it is a travesty to see once again a credible scientist being silenced and disrespected. Time and again as one scientific door opens, we as a community have to accept that someone chooses to close it before we find answers. The accusations of misinformation directed towards not just Prof Exley, but other credible scientist and practitioners, is an insult to our ASD children and has become a major tool in ‘preventing’, and seems not to apply to those who benefit financially from closing such doors.
I know parents whose children were meeting mile stones and speaking, yet after aluminium toxicity exposure these children lost speech, eye contact, precessing ability and self-regulation virtually overnight. There are many cases. We cannot ignore the many cases of anecdotal evidence and the opportunities presented to research this further.
I fully support Prof. Chris Exley as do many in the ASD community. We need scientist like him, and we need them to be able to complete their research without biased interference, regardless of the outcomes. In simple terms, the quality of our children’s lives and their ability to fulfill their potential depends on such research now and in the future.
Hazel, London autism support group. Contact with Hazel is available by request to
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