ACILIS by Spritzer® – uniquely eco-sustainable silicawater

ACILIS by Spritzer® – uniquely eco-sustainable silicawater


ACILIS by Spritzer® – uniquely eco-sustainable silicawater

Our global award winning artesian water sourced from a tropical haven listed as among the top eco-sustainable areas on earth – is making its mark with rare properties of ‘functionality’.

ACILIS by Spritzer water with scientifically proven power to remove neurotoxic aluminium, is gifted by nature to infuse your body with vitality.

Growing numbers now drink ACILIS by Spritzer on a daily basis, and have left moving testimonials about the difference it has made.

ACILIS by Spritzer is also recognised for its power to boost body collagen for youthful tissue-connectivity, promoting soft, wrinkle-free skin, supple joints, harder nails, and deterring hair loss.

ACILIS by Spritzer (the name is SILICA read backwards) is sourced from an artesian aquifer and naturally infused with silica as it filters through 420ft of rock strata beneath pristine and protected Malaysian rainforest.

Not only has Acilis won the London based Global Brand Awards four years running, it is sourced in the Maxwell Hills of Taiping – a location listed as among the top three eco-sustainable places on Earth.

For the science view:

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