How Acilis made a difference
Has Acilis made a difference?
We asked customers to share their stories of how drinking Acilis made a difference. Here are some of the first received….
Acilis has made a big difference to my life
I have been using your magical Silica water for a year now and it is the very best money can buy. I have started using two capfuls of organic Apple Cider Vinegar in each bottle …
Delivery is second to none with mine arriving the very next day. Acilis has made a big difference to my life. Jean, Lancashire
Only water she likes
My 2 year old daughter use to suffer from severe painful constipation and would hardly drink water. Since discovering silica water, it’s the only water she likes the taste of and has never been constipated since she started on this which was 6 months ago. Imran, Essex
I can feel a difference already with my cognitive function and clearer thinking.
I have severe heavy metal toxicity and Aluminium being the highest of all the metals I am toxic with.
I have started giving my children the silica water too although it’s harder to get them to drink enough in the hour as required. I will continue to have the silica water as part of our ongoing health regime to reduce Aluminium. Thank you so so much for your ongoing research. Clare, Holmfirth
I work as a nutritionist and recommend silica water to all my clients.
My husband works next to a machine shop that cuts aluminium. There is a high proportion of workers that have died from cancer or suffered mental health issues.
As a family our two daughters run a dance school and the grandchildren are all dancers. The silica water not only tastes good and seems to quench your thirst more effectively, it also maintains healthy joints and suppleness. I personally use it at the gym. I used to suffer with pins and needles at night before drinking silica water and this has now almost totally gone. I work as a nutritionist and recommend silica water to all my clients. Tonia, Chelmsford
I am convinced about silica water.
I am 67, a retired nurse and always looking for ways to keep healthy. I was dismayed as my hair was going brittle and falling out. My nails were thin and peeling. I also had dry skin. Since drinking over the previous months your special water, I have had a major improvement…my hair is shiny and loss has really decreased.
I have got thicker nails. They were not even this strong when i was young. My skin is soft too. I am convinced about silica water. MANY THANKS. PLEASE KEEP SUPPLYING THIS. Please don’t stop. Ann, North Wales
It was as though we had never drunk real water before!
We first drank Acilis in the Summer, it quenched our thirst with its pure taste and made us actually want to drink water! It was as though we had never drunk real water before! We wish this could just pour out of our taps and we could bathe in it! KT and Fiona, Bristol
Everyone should try this and find out for themselves how this can help them.
I have a 20-year-old son with Autism, who has been using Silica Water for the last couple of months. He has always suffered with constipation, at times going for 10 days without opening his bowels. Doctors didn’t feel the need to investigate this has they think it is part of having Autism. Everyone should try this and find out for themselves how this can help them. Farzana, Croydon
This water, it’s amazing.
I started drinking Silica water after learning about the amount of aluminium in our bodies from food packaging, cooking utensils, geo-engineering etc. With my memory was getting worse, I decided to take action and found this amazing product. I will use this amazing water on a permanent basis from now on! Thank you for a wonderful product. Chris, Ireland
It has eased my memory and arthritis
I find drinking acilis very refreshing and vitalising, it also appears to have eased the pain of my arthritis. It has certainly been good for me. Joe, Co Durham
I have spread the word about your product far and wide
I am 70 and have had MS for seven years. Someone told me about the research regarding aluminium. So having nothing to lose. I have been drinking it for roughly a month. I drink maybe one or two bottles a day of the 400 mil size. I obviously haven’t noticed a difference in my MS.
I have just ordered another 12 bottles of the larger size, I cannot see that he does any harm. I have spread the word about your product far and wide and I am shocked that the government know that aluminium has these awful effects, and yet have done nothing to prevent it being in so many products. Ann, Cornwall
Acilis has made a difference to my skin and hair
Yes Acilis has made a difference to my skin and hair at least. Not so
much yet to my sore shoulders, but I think they may be improving so
slowly that I’m not noticing. Wendy, Caithness
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