![mother of autistic 2 year old](https://www.silicawaters.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/childrenfield.jpg)
Mothers speak up for Prof Exley’s research
I am saddened to hear about funding being withdrawn from Professor Exley’s research. As a parent of a child with autism, I need to know that independent research from those without agendas or funding from conflicting sources are carrying out this type of research.
As a qualified childcare practitioner, I have observed all my children’s developmental milestones and have enough training to know what to look for.
I researched for what I could do to help my child and spent a small fortune in private therapies. I commissioned a private hair mineral analysis to be conducted on my child which was sent to a laboratory in the USA. We discovered high amounts of heavy metals including aluminium that were above range. Since then, for just under 2 years, we have been using homeopathy to remedy the deficiencies and overloads in her system. One of the protocols of this has been to use silica. Using natural silica water had been recommended by many SEN families and was the first thing we tried but it became part of her programme from her therapist.
- If there is nothing to hide and in the interest in science, Professor Exley should be encouraged and funded to complete his work for the betterment of society.
Selina Sheikh (London autism support group)
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