Research into link with aluminium under threat
Research into link with aluminium under threat
Future research into the link with aluminium is under threat due to lack of funding.
Leading world authority on aluminium, Professor Christopher Exley said: “We have less than 6 months to raise at least £100K to keep our research going!”
He says all previous funding from government and charities has stopped, and that £100,000 a year is needed to keep his research team together.
Referring to a video interview posted on Facebook (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xD5fZNV6wZc) he added: “If you watch the film then you will understand my situation and the crisis that I am facing. We need to fight to keep our research alive.
“I know that there are philanthropists out there who want to help, I just need to find them and I need your help to do this. So please do share this video and the information in this email with as many people as you can and ask them to do the same.
“I have a funding document that I can send to anyone who might be interested in supporting our research. Simply email me to receive this document (c.exley@keele.ac.uk)
As a result, a Crowd Funding appeal in support of his research has been launched online at https://www.gofundme.com/aluminium-and-silicon-research
The Professor added: “One of you has very kindly set up a crowd funding page to raise funds for my research. I am not allowed to use Crowd Funding directly to raise research funds, so this link is independent of me. If it is successful, then a donation will be made towards my research here at Keele.”
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