Why everyone should drink silicon-rich mineral water – by Prof Chris Exley
Over the last 10 years, my team has been looking into the effectiveness of drinking water high in silicon to help remove aluminium from the body.
Unfortunately, aluminium is found widely in our environment. We live in the ‘aluminium age’ and our bodies accumulate it over time, especially in our brains.
Silicon-rich mineral waters help to remove aluminium from the body because they are actually rich in soluble silicon or silicic acid. This form of silicon immediately follows water molecules through the gut wall and into the bloodstream where it forms a complex with aluminium called an hydroxyaluminosilicate. This form of aluminium can be easily filtered from the blood by the kidney. Hence, silicon-rich mineral waters increase the excretion of aluminium in the urine.
Silicon-rich mineral waters increase the excretion of aluminium in the urine.
This means that simply drinking silicon-rich water is a completely non-invasive way to remove aluminium from the body and something which can potentially benefit everyone.
The actual water that we have used in all our clinical studies, (and so proven scientifically to be effective), is also now commercially available in the UK and Europe.
ACILIS BY SPRITZER is natural, artesian bottled water from Malaysia and it is very rich in silicon containing approximately 55 mg/L or 55 ppm silica.
We have shown that ACILIS (called SPRITZER in Malaysia) is effective in helping to remove aluminium from the human body and it can be effective for everyone in helping themselves to protect against the possible future toxicity of aluminium. I drink it myself!
Read more at FitnessVolt.com Water Intake Calculator, click: https://fitnessvolt.com/water-intake-calculator/
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